Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Challenge #4 on Scratch

this was challenge number 4. in this challenge we had to continue with our project we created in challenge 3, and make the bat fly towards us. this was what i managed to accomplish:

what happens here is when you press the green flag, it forever repeats challenge 3, the bat flying effect, and the change size function makes it get larger which makes it look like it is flying towards us.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Challenge #3 on Scartch

This is the third challenge on scratch. The challenge was to use the two bat sprites one with a wing up and the other wing down. the actual challeneg was to have the sprite change costume to create a flying affect. this was what i accomplished:

simply, what happens here is that when the green arrow is clicked, the bat costume forever changes and this creates a flying effect.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Challenge #2 on Scratch

This is the second challenge on scratch. The challenge was to create two sprites and have them move around the screen. When they touch, to have them stop. This was what i accomplished:

What happens here is that first i click the green arrow, to start off the scratch. next i told it to forever go in a direction and turn 3 degrees or another way in 3 degrees. I also told it to forever move 6 steps and if its on the edge to bounce of, if it is touching the bouncy ball, to stop everything.

this was my second sprite, the bouncy balls, movements:

when the green flag was clicked, i gave the same instructions as the first sprite, but started them off on a different position on the screen. i didnt need to tell this one to stop if it tocuhed the other object since i instructed the first sprite to stop ALL.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Challenge #1 on Scratch

This was the first challenge on scratch.
The challenge was to get the sprite to glide across the screen and if it hit the edge, to bounce off and change directions.
This was my outcome:

What is happening here is that first i click the green arrow, to start off the scratch. next i told it to repeat the following motions 1Otimes.
I told it to glide to a particular position on the screen, then if it hit the edge bounce.
Next i told to go to another position etc.
I instructed it to go to 5 different positions and repeat the steps 1Otimes then it stopped after it finshed the very last move.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

PICZO Project evaluation.

1. Why I chose Piczo:
The reason why i chose piczo to do my project on is because it seemed the easiest and looked more interesting than the others. what caught my attention was that you can do whatever you wanted on the page, colour schemes, pictures/themes, music videos etc.

2. Any problems encountered?
I didnt come across much porblems because all the information found was easy to undrestand and put into my own words. It wasnt long before i knew how to use piczo, but it did take a long time for me to learn most features etc. what made it harder was the fact i had to learn myself how.

3. Which topics did you choose?
the topics i chose to do were:
- Primary storage: including RAM (amount, types, cost) ROM
- Motherboards
- Hand held multimedia devices ( e.g. umpc, iPod, itouch, iriver, touch screen phones)
- Piracy and Copyright

4.What were interesting aspects you encountered?
the interesting aspects i encountered were about hand held multimedia devices. this was because i learnt different and new things about them, like how they work, how they are used etc. It also opened my eyes to look at the future. if we are this smart and talented to invent these things just imagine what the future holds!

5. Any comments?
overall, i enjoyed learning this task. it was long to complete everything, but it was easy to get the information together. this task taught me how to make my own website and also taugh me alot on the things we researched.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Careers in digital graphics

Graphic design:

What does the person in the career do?
A graphic designer is responsible for arranging and using elements on different types of media (such as a poster, a package or a website)
Where would you see this person’s work (e.g. in the newspaper, in a game shop)?

Graphic design is all around us. It is in our morning paper, on our commute to work, and on the cover of our favorite books.The most common forms include:
Business Cards
Product Packaging
Book Design
Magazine Layout
Newspaper Layout
Greeting Cards

What training is needed for the career?
Bachelor of graphic design.
What kind of software and hardware is used?

most likely with the use of a graphics software program such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop or InDesign. These elements include:

Monday, March 10, 2008

Buying a Digital Camera

What should you look for while buying a digital camera?

While buying a digital camera you have to take in the good and bad qualities and compare brands and qualities of a variety of camera's in order to find the best one that suites you. Some camera's are better quality than other's. You should look for a digital camera which has high megapixels because the higher the megapixels the better quality. E.g: If it says 7.0 megapixel it would be better than 4 or 5.
You should also look for how big the LCD screen is and also how much optical zoom it has(anywhere above 5 is good.)
Though the most important thing is the memory. It needs to have alot of MB or even GB's. Though if there is a digital camera you want the hasn't got much memory you could alwas buy a seperate memory card. (Im still saving :S) You will also need to look at the price which is a big worry if you have parents like mine who think digital camera's arent important! Oh well i saved up enough money to buy my own digital camera..well not really saved just used my birthday money all at one go :D i think it was worth it!..hehe..At least my parents got me a straightener. Which reminds me..I NEED A NEW ONEE!!( Wish me luck :S:S:S)
So remember, always look for brand, fetaures, optical zoom, LCD screen, memory and megapixel. You can also get a variety of colour's.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Using a USB.

As generations grow older, their brain expands causing people to get smarter.
We've come a long way. we started with paper, then floppy disks, then CD Roms, and now we've invented USB's.

USB. How can something so small hold so much files?

A USB is a very handy device which is mainly used by school children, teachers and people who work in offices. It can hold an unlimited amount of files, depending on the size it has, which should be written somewhere on the back of it. Eg: 500 Mb, 25 GB etc.

It's very simple to use, light and small to fit anywhere, and there is a variety to choose from. I don't see why someone wouldn't want to have one.

You simply place it into the USB slot in a computer, save your file/folder to it, then easily click on the little green arrow notification area at the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

Very useful device. I wonder what we will come up with in future. A walking, talking computer perhaps. Seeing what we have invented already, I realise that nothing is impossible for humans.

samiiee (:
