Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Challenge #3 on Scartch

This is the third challenge on scratch. The challenge was to use the two bat sprites one with a wing up and the other wing down. the actual challeneg was to have the sprite change costume to create a flying affect. this was what i accomplished:

simply, what happens here is that when the green arrow is clicked, the bat costume forever changes and this creates a flying effect.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Challenge #2 on Scratch

This is the second challenge on scratch. The challenge was to create two sprites and have them move around the screen. When they touch, to have them stop. This was what i accomplished:

What happens here is that first i click the green arrow, to start off the scratch. next i told it to forever go in a direction and turn 3 degrees or another way in 3 degrees. I also told it to forever move 6 steps and if its on the edge to bounce of, if it is touching the bouncy ball, to stop everything.

this was my second sprite, the bouncy balls, movements:

when the green flag was clicked, i gave the same instructions as the first sprite, but started them off on a different position on the screen. i didnt need to tell this one to stop if it tocuhed the other object since i instructed the first sprite to stop ALL.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Challenge #1 on Scratch

This was the first challenge on scratch.
The challenge was to get the sprite to glide across the screen and if it hit the edge, to bounce off and change directions.
This was my outcome:

What is happening here is that first i click the green arrow, to start off the scratch. next i told it to repeat the following motions 1Otimes.
I told it to glide to a particular position on the screen, then if it hit the edge bounce.
Next i told to go to another position etc.
I instructed it to go to 5 different positions and repeat the steps 1Otimes then it stopped after it finshed the very last move.